How can I help?

“People start to heal the moment they feel heard.”

-Cheryl Richardson

Many of our current issues stem from trauma, harmful self-beliefs, or coping patterns. Whether it's struggling with mental health, recurring unhealthy behaviors, or a sense of emptiness, it's clear that something from our past is affecting us.

Unraveling this complex web may seem daunting and scary to do alone, and that's where I come in.

As a QEC certified practitioner with advanced certifications in Crisis, Trauma and Addictions, Medical Conditions, Intergenerational Trauma, and Surrogacy, I specialize in helping clients heal themselves. Using tools based on Gestalt and neuroscience, I guide individuals on their inward healing journey. This adventure, though scary, is also incredibly liberating.

By establishing a trusting connection, I assist clients in discovering and healing the deep wounds that persist into adulthood. My mission is to help others free themselves from the prison of their own nervous system, emotional turmoil, and unhelpful beliefs. Through awareness and therapy, we can return to our healthy, honest selves.

Let's begin the journey towards healing and self-discovery!

What is QEC?

QEC harnesses the ability to rewire the brain along neural pathways of our own choice.

Developed by Dr. Melanie Salmon, this therapy combines Gestalt and neuroscience to rewrite your subconscious beliefs.

QEC is a simple and effective coaching tool that uses a technique created eclectically combining Gestalt psychotherapy and cutting-edge neuroscience. It aims to change self limiting beliefs at the subconscious level.

Positive, affirming beliefs are installed into the subconscious mind, using an optimal brain wave state that is receptive to learning. The new positive beliefs replace the old limiting ones. It can be likened to installing new software into a computer. The process is easy and effortless, no matter how long the problems have been there.

Things to know about the sessions:

“Knowing oneself comes from attending with compassionate curiosity to what is happening within.”

-Gabor Maté

  • Before the session, I will ask you to fill out a form that will help us set up a template and outline any past trauma that we can work through in the sessions.

  • The duration of each session is 90 minutes.

  • We start with a conversation using Gestalt Relational Therapy. This means I'll listen to your needs and your story, while I assist you in outlining and uncovering what to work on.

  • After the enquiry, we will apply the QEC method, which is what makes these sessions different from talk therapy. Through a combinations of techniques, we reach a gamma wave which allows the brain to rewire itself - clearing trauma and rewriting unhelpful beliefs.

  • You decide what to work on and we will follow your pace. This is a very empowering process.

  • It looks similar to peeling the onion, and we gently rebuild trust and safety to work in deeper layers. Yet, the process is quick.

  • QEC is safe to use, and has no side effects. Its effects are quick and profound.

  • The amount of sessions needed depends on what your goals and needs are and the nature of the trauma.

If you are not sure if my skills and this work can help with your specific issues, please contact me and we can have a chat.

Our deeply held beliefs emanate from our subconscious. No matter how much we tell ourselves there’s nothing to fear about dogs, encountering one will trigger our fear, because we were bitten as a child. The subconscious mind will overpower our rational thinking, until we heal from the emotional scar left by the trauma of the attack.

Book your session:

“Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.”

-Peter Levine

This option gives best value. 

Choose this option if you want to dive deep into the healing of your nervous system and trauma clearing. Five sessions.

Choose this option if you want to give QEC a go and experience its effects but you are unsure if you want to embark on a series of sessions.

“Every person in the world would benefit from QEC and it's obvious Cristina has a big love for helping others with this amazing healing modality. Not knowing what I was getting into, I feel a huge relief to not carrying the burden of trauma in my subconscious. I felt very safe, heard and seen during our time together.”

-Christa L.


Cristina is a blessing in life. I love her energy, her compassion and the love she gives in and out of sessions. I have explored many methods of healing and I have found this work transformational. I’ve had a few packages of QEC with her and this has helped me and my life so much. I always find it amazing how I can literally feel my energy shift in each and every session.

Cristina has also been there to guide me post session as life shows up to show me my growth. She is flexible, caring and accepting of whatever shows up. Her acceptance of me has transformed how I accept myself. It’s just beautiful to have this modelled.

I have released deep wounds that I have been carrying around like a heavy weight for such a long time. The difference in me is night and day. I feel lighter, happier and 1 million percent more confident in myself. The session have also shifted the wounds I was holding around relationships, I had many negative beliefs linked to romantic love and this work has made me believe love is possible.

I feel stronger in myself, have more self compassion and acceptance. I can hold my boundaries, say yes to life and be more courageous. I have released a well of emotions, I had held inside for many years and have so much more compassion when emotions arise.

I could not have done this without working with Cristina. It has been life changing and I cannot recommend working with her enough. You owe it to yourself.
Thank you Cristina for introducing me to self- confidence, self-love and self-belief. My relationship to life and men is so much more positive now because of you. You need to work with this woman. ❤️
-Christa L.


  • Every person in the world would benefit from QEC and it's obvious Cristina has a big love for helping others with this amazing healing modality. Not knowing what I was getting into, I feel a huge relief to not be carrying the burden of trauma in my subconscious. I felt very safe, heard, and seen during our time together. Held in a sacred space by Cristina's presence, I was able to relax and open up during our sessions. Cristina's highly evolved listening skills and ability to feed back, raised a lot of awareness and clarity in me. She asks great questions that help me see new perspectives, but also she picks up very well on what hasn't been spoken. She's reliable, authentic and wise and believes in your worth and your potential to improve.

    I am very grateful for the opportunity and can highly recommend her as your practitioner into a better life.

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QEC can help you with:

  • Healing trauma and building internal resilience

  • Anxiety and panic

  • Feeling numb or disconnected

  • Anger issues

  • The constant feeling of “something is wrong with me”.

  • Toxic shame

  • Recovery from narcissistic abuse -from intimate relationships or coercive control groups-

  • Grief and loss

  • Relationship and connection issues

  • Unlocking your potential

  • Changing repetitive patterns